Just another horror story...
hey! for the music player to work, click the small lock button, go to settings and allow audio! thanks!
hey. welcome to my site where i write horrifying pieces of fiction! i want to host my stories seperately from any online identity for both privacy and being able to share my pieces of work. this is a horror story site specifically, i try to tag any applicable content warnings, but eventually a few WILL seep through. a general content warning will be below, and i am not held responsible if you ignore them. i take all of these seriously, do not just ignore them. thank you for visiting.
GENERAL TRIGGER WARNINGS!! there will be: themes of violence, blood, gore, graphic depictions of death, cannibalism, ghosts, spiders, knives, conspiracy theories, panic attacks, yelling, second person horror, first person horror, ableism (in a negative light), body horror, hospitalization, insects, warfare, eyes, profanity, drugs, violence against children, transphobia (in a negative light), homophobia (in a negative light), drowning, vomiting, clowns, ocd themes such as contamination, etc., if you are afraid of any of these, leave now. if you are absolutely sure you want to continue, each and every story will have a list of content warnings at the top. stay safe. this is a horror story site after all.
Things to know
i feel like this is just- like, common sense, but i do not support any of these actions in real life. this is just horror. due to some people however, it has become nessacary for me to say that i am not a deranged serial killer i just like writing. it's a bit ridiculous i have to even have this disclaimer, but what can i do.
if you are here for any weird fetishistic reason, leave now. these are horror stories, which means not to be looked up to, idolized, glamorized, etc., if you cannot seperate the two, leave now. my stories are crossposted, so if you see it somewhere else, it's probably me. chill.
this site is not connected to blood in the bayou, the jrwi campaign, at all. the webhost is just a huge fan!
why i love horror
this is my place to ramble about why i adore horror as a whole. if you are here for the writing, click the writing button on the top left. otherwise, enjoy my longwinded explanation no one asked for <3.
horror, to me, is a form of expression, like all art is, but horror is one that is cruel. horror comes from the word horrid. it's vile, disgusting, and not for everyone, yet for some it's the most raw form of self expression yet. it is all the parts of humanity that we try to avoid, because it makes us uncomfy. i have anxiety of some form, i don't want to share which kind, but i get anxious at everything. horror has become some kind of uncanny comfort, as i can control these anxieties better if i am the one causing them. the silentsheepdog puts it best in her video, comfort in horror. horror gives you control in some deranged form of the word. and control is what some people need.
i love horror so goddamn much.
the music playing in the backround is from blood in the bayou, one of my favorite horror medias to ever exist. the artwork used in the header is also from blood in the bayou, i don't own any of it. the links and credits will be in the sources section of the website. i make no money off this website, just in case you needed to know.