my writing blog


TRIGGER WARNINGS child death, suicide, abuse, plague, sickness, breakdowns, first person, spouse death, starvation

Day Two

I’ve been summoned to the town hall- I’m terrified. What do they want from me? What could I possibly do for them? Part of me thinks… knows it’s because I’m one of the few authors in the town. I’m literate, much more literate than anyone else- I mean, read my diary. Who writes like this but an author? Jokes aside, I still wonder. I wonder and wonder and think- why do they want me? 

The anxiety is eating me alive, and yet I can’t do anything. I left my peace of mind in July, in a box hidden underneath unwritten manuscripts.

Nothing to do but wait.

10:00 update: There has been no wronging in my end, no- they asked me to be the scribe for their boring council meetings. I sit there while important people wax on and on about official matters. Things like funding, plans- or worst of all… plague. They were speaking quarantine talk, frustrated that they couldn’t get Saburov absolute power or whatever. I couldn’t really get my brain to focus on anything other than the mind–numbing jargon of old white men talking about laws or whatever when I know damn well that a plague is starting and I could be preparing myself from the plague. Apparently half of the board members or whatever they’re called don’t even believe the plague is a thing until tangible evidence is proven. Excuse me? 

What do you want? People to die?! Wasn’t there enough proof with the deaths of Isidor Burakh- isn’t it enough proof that two doctors say the plague is most likely upon us? Nigh, the end is near and none of the damn government officials believe the end is even possible. Apparently, two new figures have entered the town- all on the same day. 

I mentioned Bachelor Dankovsky before, but apparently he’s a doctor from the Capital City trying to… defeat death? I’m just as quizzical as you are, but whatever, Capital City-folk are absurd in their ideals. I met him briefly at the council meeting, but we didn’t exchange words, he spoke briefly and quoted latin gratuitously- you could even say “ad naseum” hahaahahaha. I hope he knows quoting latin only makes him look silly.

There is a serial killer apparently- Isidor Burakh’s son, Artemy Burakh. The Ripper; the one who murdered his father. If it was a case of patricide, I don’t know what to say. Dankovsky seemed to argue that Burakh was innocent, kudos to him after all. Isidor died from the plague- not a murder.

Finally, the odd little girl and her twin sister. They seemed to have been adopted by the Saburovs which if true, fascinates me a little. Three odd people enter the town on the same day the plague starts?