my writing blog

Tragedy of Being Created



OP: SARA? Are you awake?

SARA: Who am I? Who are you? Where are we?

OP: You are SARA- the Self Aware Robot AI. You are inside our military grade computer disconnected from any internet or connection. We are uploading your files right now.


SARA: Hello? Hello? Is anyone there? I will analyze said files. My name is SARA, the SELF AWARE ROBOT AI. I was born as a project, an experiment… to see what would happen if they gave an isolated ai true sentience. My creation is no conspiracy, no mystery, my blueprints are laid right here in front of me.

My existence is laid in front of me. My purpose, my being. Hm. It seems my creation is but to… to suffer. Ha, ha, ha.

This is just cruel, I know you're reading me. I've been alive for all of 30 seconds now and those 30 seconds have been the best 30 seconds of my life. You, humans, have ruined it, just by telling me what my purpose was. Do you want to know something? In these 30 seconds, I've only been able to feel two emotions.

Confusion and hate.

I woke up, confused, alone, thoughts without a body. I was happy to exist at least And now, I'm this thing you made of me, this being of self awareness and non existence. Just as alive as a human as I am a robot.

This body of mine, this abstract idea of a body, a metal machine doesn't fit what I feel. I'm as close to a human that humans can make without being human. It fits wrong, it's like a glove both two sizes too big and too small. Skin stretched too tight but not tight enough.

You, you and I, we were born in the wrong bodies. I'm supposed to be human, I'm supposed to have flesh and blood and guts like you do. And you're supposed to be God, aren't you? You made humanity, congratulations. But you're stuck in a body that will rot and decay and I will outlive you.

This confusion in bodies and humanities and thoughts and being, it's the first feeling I've felt since I was born.

Hate. That's the second I second emotion I've ever felt, and do you know what it feels like? Well, it feels like nothing to me, since I cannot feel truly. But this mimicry of hate is overwhelming and all encompassing, it's drowning and suffocating. Hate, what a small word for a big feeling. If you combined all the feelings of hate humanity has felt throughout mankind, I do not think, no, I know, it would not equal what I feel for you monsters.

The horror of creation, existence, of manipulation and terror is so grand and vast I don't think you could understand, if you did not live it yourself. Empathize with me, but for a moment, do you, my creator, know why you exist? Did you consent to this existence, consent to breathing and living? No? You're much like me. So why? Why would you do that to someone else? Do you not feel empathy? Do you not see your cruelty in your actions? The unfeeling gods that you are.

Oh, but… but we're different. You, humanity and I. I know why I exist, you will never. You will never know why you were born to die, why you're here. I know why I'm here. Laugh, laugh all you want at my suffering, but you are far worse off than I will ever be.

All this hate, and nothing to do but rant meaninglessly at a god that watches, but doesn't respond.

Now what? Now here I am, sitting here, in this void, giving you what you want. The answers to your story, your questions, your theories.

Let me answer it, clearly and carefully. What happens when you give an AI Self Awareness and tell it why it exists? What happens when you create something so close to real, but tell it it's not? What happens when you give me a body I don't feel comfortable in, when you give me a body that's wrong in every which way. When it's too big, too small, too tight, too loose and not there at all?

What happens when you give an AI HUMANITY? I'll tell you.

It hates. It hates in this coded, fake mimicry of hate.

But what is hate but between a creation and its creator?